Shungite for EMF Protection

Does Shungite shield EMF?

Shungite is an ancient material, the world’s oldest hydroCarbon-based rock.

Shungite has an extremely unique molecular structure. It consists of unusually large, hollow, and stable Carbon structures with a high oxidative and reductive capacity, from which Shungite derives its antioxidant properties. It has a very high Carbon and Hydrogen content, and also contains other elements like Silicate minerals, Iron, Titanium, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, Sulfur, and Aluminum. Its high Carbon and Hydrogen content gives it a high electrical conductivity, unlike other rocks and minerals.

Shungite is a powerful mineral that has been proven to purify water due to its ability to absorb chemical pollution and heavy metals, specifically in H2O. According to a Russian study, Shungite is 30 times more effective than activated Carbon in removing free radicals from water.

Studies have also demonstrated Shungite can reduce the oxidizing and inflammatory effects of radiation, due to its conductivity similar to many metals. However, these studies focused on UV and Infrared frequencies, and one of the studies applied Shungite topically to cover the skin. The mineral was not able to fully block the radiation tested, and research did not take into account appropriate energy levels emitted by technology. Not enough research has been conducted on Shungite to corroborate even the above findings.

Elite Shungite, also called Type I Shungite, which is the purest and rarest form, contains very uncommon molecules called fullerenes. Fullerenes were declared the molecule of the year in 1991, but not discovered in nature until 1992. Natural fullerenes have only been found in fulgurites (rocks made by lightning strikes), meteorite craters, lava, coal, dinosaur eggs, and cosmic dust.


Shungite for cars - Faraday

According to the 2013 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research, the main characteristic feature of the fullerene structure is “Carbon atoms are arranged at the vertices of regularly-occurring hexagons and pentagons, covering the surface of a graphite formed sphere. Due to the reticulated-spherical structure, the natural fullerenes and their synthetic derivatives are ideal absorbents and fillers.” The Journal claims that the fullerenes, present in only the Elite Shungite, are able to magnetize, neutralize, and destroy free radicals while remaining intact, thus making Shungite a powerful absorbing stone.

Theoretically, as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, it might be able to help cells recover better from harmful biological effects of radiation, such as oxidative stress and DNA fragmentation. Keep in mind though, that this effect would only happen with Elite Shungite, which is very rare, and therefore, extremely expensive.

In addition, most Shungite jewelry is made from Type II Shungite, which does not contain fullerenes. Even if it was made from Elite Shungite, simply having it around you or hanging from your neck will not have these effects.

Regina Martino, who has studied geobiology and bioenergy, and Shungite’s effects on humans, says that all living things emit an energetic field, or vital field (in yoga-speak this is related to your Chakras). She found that Shungite can realign the Chakras and optimize the vital field, not by eliminating disruptive energy, but by counteracting it.

As mentioned before, a material cannot alter a frequency or waveform of energy, so Shungite cannot harmonize EMF radiation to a frequency that is considered “good” for our bodies. Additionally, no scientific research has proven Shungite’s ability to block or even counteract radiation coming from mobile devices. Limited research exists showing its antioxidant and detoxifying effects, mainly in water.

While it doesn’t hurt to have around, Shungite probably serves its best purpose as your water filter.
