
LapisLazuli stone

EMF protection

crystals & stones.

Since humans are prone to using electronic devices, they cannot keep away from the harmful radiation, which adversely affects their physical and mental health.

Some of the negative effects include:

  • headaches
  • blurred vision,
  • ringing in ears,
  • lack of concentration,
  • sleep disturbances etc.

To remove the negativity and harmful energy, stones and crystals come to our rescue, these gems not only mitigate the negative and harmful radiations but also provide added benefits to the wearer.

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LapisLazuli stone

How to counter EMF


Gemstones and crystals emit ions that act as energy batteries that can protect the surroundings from the deadly radiation.

Crystals nullify the toxic elements or the frequency waves and help in purification. The best and the most popular crystal is Orgonite.

It protects our body from the harmful radiations that are emitted by our mobile phones, laptops, ear buds etc. These are commonly used in our daily lives.

All of our Pendants are made using only Crystals that help mitigate EMF.

Protect yourself

crystals & stones

The best way is to place them near devices that emit EMFs. This would help in combating the EMFs as the crystals will absorb the radiations making the environment safe. These can also be placed between you and the radiation-emitting device to dull the effect of the radiation.

The crystals and stones for EMF protection can also be worn in rings or necklaces to protect you from the radiations that are rampant in the surroundings due to the excessive use of technological devices.


LapisLazuli stone
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