
“Reiki energy, Prana, biomagnetic energy, Qi soft electrons, and life force energy are all orgone energy”

“Reich thought that the libido essentially was a physical manifestation of energy that could be harnessed and measured. He viewed it as a life-affirming force”

“Orgonite both releases orgone energy when stimulated by other forms of energy and can change orgone energy from one state to another. It is especially suited for dissolving negative energy in an area and converting it to a balanced, healthy energy”

Benefits of Orgone Energy

Benefits of Orgone Energy

What are the benefits of Orgonite?   The effects of orgonite differ from person to person. Some feel the energy straight away (usually as a tingling or warm sensation) while for others the effects are cumulative. The most commonly reported effects of orgonite...

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Shungite for EMF Protection

Shungite for EMF Protection

Shungite for EMF Protection Does Shungite shield EMF? Shungite is an ancient material, the world’s oldest hydroCarbon-based rock. Shungite has an extremely unique molecular structure. It consists of unusually large, hollow, and stable Carbon structures with a high...

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Crystal Amethyst is a healing stone

Crystal Amethyst is a healing stone

Amethyst Whether you love it for its gorgeous looks or amazing healing powers, it's hard to go past an Amethyst. One of the most prized gems since time began an amethyst is actually a quartz crystal - it's the iron and other trace minerals it contains that give it...

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The healing powers of Copper

The healing powers of Copper

Copper What would spring to mind if we said 'copper' and 'health' in the same sentence? Most people would mention that wearing a copper bracelet can reduce the symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis. And whilst there is no scientific proof for this, many individuals...

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Lapis lazuli is a Chakra healing stone

Lapis lazuli is a Chakra healing stone

Lapis lazuli is a balancing stone. It's no wonder Lapis lazuli is one of the most popular semi-precious stones. Since time began it has been highly prized for its intense blue colour and strong healing powers.  First mined around 7000 BC, it has been found in...

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