About Us


Thanks for stopping by and visiting us here at Fifth Element Orgone Energy.

I first fell in love with orgonite in 2015 after coming across Peyton Lamberts beautiful Orgonite, I was immediately transfixed by these man made crystals and set about researching immediately, I contacted Peyton who kindly offered to mentor me and he continued to mentor me over the next few years, I was reading everything I could on these stunning energy tools.

I have always loved crystals after receiving my first crystal from my Grandma when I was 14 so for me making Energy Tools with Crystals was a no brainer and I continue today

Fifth Element Orgone Energy is a proudly Australian owned and operated family business established in 2015 and providing a range of hand-crafted Orgone Energy tools & products with a natural and earthy theme.

All our products produce a negative charge resonance, which is as close to nature as possible. This is vitally important because the correct negative charge frequencies are required to successfully neutralise and balance the positive charge resonance; the harmful component of any electromagnetic field, thus neutralising any electromagnetic stress on the human meridian system.

“The most efficient way to neutralise the harmful effects of EMS (Electromagnetic Stress) in the human meridian system is to employ EMF Harmonizing solutions”.




A powerhouse of energies

Orgones are a powerhouse of energies to be tapped into.

They are spiritual tools that bring the following metaphysical benefits: peaceful sleep and lucid dreaming, deeper meditation harmony and balance. Aligns our auric fields for healing and balances our Chakras for free flow energies. Protects from WIFI and EMF emissions protects from 5G, keeps food and supplements fresh.

All our Orgones are set in Clear Resin and contain crystal chips with Copper inclusions & energising mixed metals.

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