We are so excited that autumn is here! As the world begins to grow dark, we want to take some time to reflect on what the change of season means in our lives. Remember that all of life is cyclical, and endings and beginnings are always occurring around us. 

Over the next few days, we’ve got a list of some of our favourite rituals for autumn equinox to help you celebrate the end of summer.

What is the Autumn Equinox?

The autumnal equinox is a moment in the year when day and night are exactly equal. It is heralded by the Sun’s passage across the celestial equator, an event that occurs about September 22 or 23 in the Northern Hemisphere and about March 21 or 22 in the Southern Hemisphere.

This event marks the beginning of autumn, which lasts until winter solstice.

The Autumn Equinox inspires us to reflect upon and feel gratitude for the abundance in our lives.

It’s a beautiful time to share nature’s plenty with friends and loved ones, with dishes built around seasonal ingredients like apples, pumpkins, squash grapes, and grains. 

The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon is a mid-harvest festival also known as the second harvest that is celebrated with communal feasting, dancing, and rituals for autumn equinox to channel the new energy of the changing seasons.

Each season of our lives has its own wisdom, just as different energies flow through us at different times of the year.

Celebrating each season of the wheel of fortune will help nurture your growth physically, mentally, and emotionally through the changing seasons of your life.

And by aligning your activities with the cycles of nature, you’ll find a better balance in your life and be able to make time for yourself as well as others when it’s needed most.
